Oceans eleven french torrent download

Genre: Action , Crime , Drame , Thriller. Genre: Action , Crime , Thriller. Speed Kills Speed Kills Country: Puerto Rico , United States. Genre: Crime , Drame , Thriller. Night in Paradise Night in Paradise Country: South Korea. The Score The Score Country: Germany, United States. The film has got a whole lot of nice touches stylistically and cast is expensive and first rate.

For those familiar with the original the irony of that ending is replaced by something completely different. More in keeping with George Clooney than Frank Sinatra. An enjoyable enough crime story from golden child Steven Soderbergh, perhaps not achieving classic status but still very amiable to sit through.

This remake has many things in its favour, not least in Soderbergh's direction; this is a man with the power to turn the most mundane plot events into fairly gripping, watchable drama.

His film looks and feels good, reaching a classy level far above anything most Hollywood directors these days have the capability of achieving. Of course, it goes without saying that the star-studded cast is the main reason to sit through this film and enjoy it.

George Clooney heads the bill as Danny Ocean, a suave and snappily-dressed criminal who devises the perfect robbery. The more I see of Clooney, the more I like him; in fact he may be one of the only stars in Hollywood today to recall the charm and charisma of the old school actors like Cary Grant and Clark Gable.

Combining dashing looks with strong acting methods, Clooney is a real gem of an actor and it's astonishing that he began in television when his forte is so obviously the cinema. Not that I want to sound sycophantic, but Clooney is one of the good guys. His foil is none other than Andy Garcia, who seems to have been off our screens for a decade, so who now looks suddenly a heck of a lot older than he used to. Garcia crafts a cold, cold character for his casino owner, Terry Benedict, combining smoothness with menace with barely uttering a word.

Brad Pitt has a supporting role as Clooney's accomplice and is, well, Brad Pitt. He doesn't have a lot to do but he seems to be enjoying himself. Julia Roberts is the conventional love interest but I have already expressed my dislike of the actress elsewhere so I'll leave it at that. With so much of the screen time devoted to many different characters and actions, not many of the other actors get much of a look in and instead appear to be along for the ride, adding "name value" to the poster.

Matt Damon barely registers as the young, smart pickpocket; Casey Afflect and Scott Caan provide dubious comic relief; Elliott Gould has aged in an astonishing way so this distracts from his acting.

One surprise is a nice turn from Vincent Cassel, an actor I always enjoy seeing on film, and no exception here.

Of course, the film isn't perfect. It takes a rather long time to get to the 'meat' of the plot and the opening introductions are long-winded and unnecessary, also rather repetitive. Still, I could forgive this part thanks to the fun Bruce Willis cameo, and it all comes together for the "pull the rug out from under you" ending. Daniel Ocean George Clooney is still itching for the life. Terry Benedict Andy Garcia tracks down Tess Julia Roberts and he wants his money back plus an exorbitant interest even though he already got it back from the insurance company.

Benedict starts to track down the Ocean's Eleven crew. The crew gets back together to pull off jobs so that they could pay back Benedict. However this time they are being hounded by a brilliant investigator Isabel Lahiri Catherine Zeta-Jones. It takes too long to set up. It would be much more thrilling to have Benedict just kidnap everybody. The setup is a little thin. If Carl Reiner wanted a small role, they could easily have his character in a hood as a kidnap victim for the entire movie.

The chances are better that some if not most would just run in this story. Then of course, there wouldn't be a movie. It just rambles on and on without the excitement or fun of the original. At least, nobody said no to George or Soderbergh.

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