The astonishing power of emotions free download

We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them.

DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url. Both of you have not only developed habitual patterns of actions and words, but also of thoughts and feelings about the situation. From your place of annoyance and frustration you can find no solution.

Your driving cannot improve, and we note that you see no reason to improve your driving, for you do not believe that your driving is the problem. But you also have no way of soliciting anything else from your mate. And so, unless you change the way you feel about this situation, nothing can improve.

Many people, watching this scenario might suggest that you just let him do the driving, or that you take separate vehicles, or tell him to mind his own business and keep his ideas to himself.

But then even you acknowledge that there are times when his suggestions are very helpful. It is not possible to orchestrate or legislate patterns of behavior without introducing a greater hindrance to the situation.

In other words, if you were to tell him that you do not want him to interfere with your driving by giving you suggestions, you would deprive yourself of another point of view that you often find extremely helpful. For the sake of simplifying your lives, you often believe that you do want that. What you really want is to align with your broader perspective so that you can receive the benefit of that broader view.

Your instincts are sharp and clear, and you make good decisions. And even though your mate may still want to play with you in making the best possible choices as you move about in your vehicle, he would not be offering his suggestions to you because of his doubt in your ability, but instead in his desire to play and co-create productively.

You have no way of changing your mate. You cannot modify your behaviour enough to soothe that. But you can come into alignment with you. And when you do, everything will improve.

So, once again your work is the same — make your statements from where you are, but make an effort to find a better feeling, downstream thoughts upon this topic that align with who you really are. You never suggest that the other people in my life make changes. And we understand why it annoys you that our suggestions are always directed at you, at the choices that you are making, but you can choose to look at that in whether an upstream way or downstream way.

I have to do all the changing. Because you cannot control the actions of others. So those thoughts are always upstream thoughts. But when you understand that you can control the way you feel because you can choose the thoughts that you think, and that with practice you can come into alignment with who you really are regardless of the topic, then not only are you in complete control of the way you feel, but your life must unfold in a pleasing way.

Those are downstream thoughts. Things will only get worse. You do not have to understand the things that may have lead up to this situation. But you must stop offering a vibration here and now that matches it. Observing what-is only perpetuates it. Trying to figure out how it got started only perpetuates it.

Taking action while feeling negative emotion only perpetuates it. An improved situation will only come once you have improved the way you feel. So, begin where you are and reach for better feeling downstream thoughts. Notice the gradual improvement as you make a statement, and then try to make the next one even better feeling. Sometimes he does offer a helpful suggestion.

Two heads are often better than one. His suggestions are well meaning. When we flow together, we really do flow. I appreciate his interest. I do appreciate his help. I am a good driver. I am a good driver with the good helper. We do make a good team. And I do a good job here. Several of the employees are members of the family who ownes the company.

I am good at what I do. And I really do like working here. Everyone sort of holds back from accomplishing all they could do, and I can feel that they resent me when I try to do my best. And so I notice that they undermine me in subtle, and sometimes in not so subtle, ways. I like all aspects of the work here, and I can pretty much step in anywhere and do anything that needs to be done.

But I notice that most everyone else tries to guide their job activities in the direction of things they would rather do, and they continually shift less satisfying tasks toward me and a couple of other newer employees.

So, maybe all work environments are like this. Also, every time I go to a new place, I have to learn a new environment all over again, make a new place for myself and start again at a lower wage. I need to win the lottery. And so the LOA brings them to you in your next environment, and so on. Whatever is most active in your vibration is what will continue to occur in your experience.

But there are positive aspects in seeing what you do not want. And your Inner-Being has now focused its attention upon those improvements.

It makes me so uncomfortable to see them taking their money without doing their work. When I work in the way I believe I should work, I stick out like a sore thumb. The owners of the company have no idea what goes on in their business. Remember, that the LOA always shines a spotlight on whatever it is that is most active in your vibration.

In time, with focus, your better feeling thoughts will come to be what has the hold on you, so to speak. And your life will then begin to show constant signs of improvement. So now continue to try to find some thoughts that give you a feeling of relief.

I am not at a critical point where I need to make a decision about staying or going. I really know very little about the other people who work here. I like the variety of the work I do here. I do have the ability to keep myself happily in balance if I decide to.

I only have my opinion of their opinions of me. I can control my opinions if I decide to do it. Everything that I experience causes me to vibrationally ask with greater specificity for improved situations. So, actually, everything in this job that bothers me just sets me up for an improved future experience. How fast I get to that improved experience depends upon me and the thoughts of alignment or misalignment that I choose. I can choose upstream thoughts or downstream thoughts. But either way, they are my choices.

My current husband and my teenage son do not get along at all. My son is very bright and rather independent. When he is enthusiastic about something, he always excels.

But he wants to do things on his own terms. My husband has very strong opinions about how children should behave. And he really gets crazy when he thinks that my son is disrespectful of him or of me.

Yet I want to support him. I am so weary of the battle. I honestly wonder if any mixed families ever really find happiness. Are there any stepparents out there who truly love their stepchildren? And they more or less accept the roles that they have each chosen. It may be surprising to hear that the majority of relationships are like that to some degree. But when a third person who now asks different things of you is included in the relationship, the basis of your relationship is threatened.

In your situation you and your son had already established your relationship. And while you may not have realized it, your son had assumed the dominant role and you had assumed the submissive role, which fit your personalities well.

Since your son is self- reliant, and to a large degree self-sufficient, and since his life was working rather well, it did not feel necessary to you that you gain control.

But when your new mate entered the picture, and now wanted to assume the dominant role, that threw things out of balance. And if they should be like most people, who believe that they feel best only when they evoke the reponse from you that they need, now you have real trouble. For you cannot serve them both. You simply cannot live your life trying to satisfy the prerequisites of other people. And the only chance you would have at any success in such a scenario would be to dramaticly limit your relationships.

In other words, you would find yourself really only able to serve one master. It is our encouragement that you make the new decision. You must decide to please yourself in order to align you with you to become a vibrational match to your own Inner-Being. When you are in alignment, then you have the most to offer others, but it will require their decision to come into their own alignment in order for them to receive satisfaction. Teach them that their happiness is their own responsibility, and in doing so you will finally be free.

So, as always, begin where you are and then make an effort to improve the feeling of your subsequent statements. My husband is overly sensitive and heavy-handed when it comes to my son. My son deliberately makes things worse than they need to be.

Now try to find better feeling statements. Plus, you gain the bonus of feeling so much better about it even before they begin to act differently. Both of them are using you and your reaction as a part of their justification for their own pushing against. And when you omit your discord from the mix, the whole situation will be soothed that much more.

In other words, the fire may still be burning, but you will no longer be pouring your gasoline upon it. So, continue by reaching for statements that give you some relief.

For instance, These are both nice people. You could stop there. You do feel better. But if you feel like continuing, you could benefit from the momentum you now have going. For instance, I can see how I have been exacerbating this situation.

Only you will really now if any statement feels better or worse. So just continue the effort of turning generally donwstream. This, too, shall pass. My son will eventually go off and live on his own.

This thought may be uncomfortable, because you do not want your son to feel unwelcome and then to leave. So, reword the statement and make it feel better. For instance, Children want their independence.

Most children want their independence long before they get it. It is especially natural for children to resent a new person who tries to rain them in. So now try to find relief in that. This is all very new for my husband. I know he is doing what he believes is best for my son. I can see how I can set the tone in all of this. We all want to feel good. And my feeling good, no matter what, has to make a difference.

Feeling good can be contagious. I love being playful. Nothing has gone wrong here. As you practise and achieve consistant downstream thoughts, your power of influence is tremendous in comparison with the power of your influence when your energies are split.

And by practising these downstream thoughts you now come into alignment with the expanded version of these relationships. Maybe once a year for the last several years, and then only for a brief visit. We had really little in common, so why would his death would be so upsetting to me?

And if ohters were to join you, they would most likely either be drawn into the same subject because of the intensity that the two of you had amassed, or they would get up and leave the conversation, but it is unlikely that they would be able to introduce another subject that was very far from the discussion that was already under way. In a similar way, as you are a child, in learning to offer vibrations in response to the environment that surrounds you, you become set in your vibrational weight, so to speak, and because you often remain in those environments for many years, and because your parents often set the vibrational tone of your shared home, you develop patterns of thinking, of vibrating, of responding to life that you learned in those very early years.

While you are probably not aware of it, much of the way you respond to life today has a great deal to do with your very early awareness of physical life. In physical terms, you learned your world view early on, and since it was easier to continue with it than to change it, your world view really did not change very much as you moved through time.

Now, this does not mean that you agreed with all the ideas of your parents. In fact, since all things are relative, your sense of wellbeing in life is deeply rooted in those early vibrations of your childhood. Since the LOA responds to the vibration of your being, and since your current vibrations have some active patterns that reach far back into your past, you are in that way still tied to your past. And since this has been a gradual evolution, you really have not noticed it, so you continue to reach into the future, aligning with the new thought patterns and maintaining your stability.

That is the process of evolution that all beings experience. With the death of your father your attention shifted from your present life to your past. In other words, for a short period of time you focused upon, you remembered, you pondered experiences from your childhood, you talked to people you had not spoken to or even thought about in years.

That is why you feel out of balance. But suddenly with the death of your father, as you looked back instead of forward, you definitely turned upstream. And that never feels good. Your life caused you to identify your own desires. But your unique desires were sometimes not found to be pleasing by your parents. They tried to guide you. Sometimes you yield it, sometimes you did not. When you felt strongly about something, you prevailed, and when they felt strongly, they prevailed.

But mostly you prevailed, because it was your life, not theirs. But as long as you were doing things just to please them, or anyone, you were out of balance. And then when you did things that matched your own desire, you came back into balance. As time went on, what your parents thought about things became less of a factor in your vibrational balance, because you did not discuss things with them as much.

You turned your attention to things that did not involve them. And they turned their attention to things that did not involve you. It is a common thing for a person to feel relief as they leave one uncomfortable environment. But then, before they establish their vibrational balance, they plunge headlong into another relationship that has similar components to the last.

Often a girl who has controlling father will physically leave that environment only to then marry a very controlling husband. So, although the faces and places have changed, her overall experience remains the same. While your relationship with your father has changed through time, and your vibrational balance regarding it has continually evolved, you have no choice other than to begin right where you are. And any upstream thoughts are running counter to your natural direction and the evolution of your being.

That is your goal with this process. I feel out of sorts. I am truly depressed. I have no control in that. I wish his life could have been more satisfying to him. These thoughts are true depiction of how you currently feel, and all of them are clearly pointed upstream. Under the circumstances it is normal. So try to find thoughts that give you relief. I always wanted a better relationship with my father. I should have tried harder.

No much improvement yet, but your desire to find relief is growing. So, keep going. Our relationship was what it was. Well, maybe nothing went wrong. Maybe it just was what it was. But still, I wish I could have.. I cannot go back and relive my life.

Keep going. There are so many things that I could think about. There are many positive aspects to my life experience. My past will always be a part of me, but my now is what matters most. This seems hard to believe given all we see around us in the world, but we are taught that wellness and abundance naturally flow to us when we allow it.

Emotion, the Indicator Emotion is the indicator of whether we're blocking or allowing this flow. A positive emotion tells us we're aligned and open to attracting the good things we really want. Negative emotion indicates the opposite, that we're blocking or disallowing positive flow and are attracting the negatives of life.

The Human Soul and Attraction In The Astonishing Power of Emotions , Abraham teaches that humans are dual beings: simultaneously a non-physical soul and a physical human being. The Law of Allowing is key to this understanding and its value is the jumpstart point for "manifesting skills. Limiting attitudes can often be dissolved through the deliberate shifting of thoughts. We don't hear much about The Law of Deliberate Creation and The Law of Allowing-but both of these laws are of extreme importance in understanding of what we attract into our lives.

But, the Application and understanding of the Law of Allowing is key and it is said to be the most difficult to understand. Both of these Laws will be discussed in a simple, practical manner. There is a mental process aligning your thought Energies that must occur to achieve results and these processes go to the heart of the Law of Allowing. It is about focusing your attention in the direction of your desire rather than looking back at the current conditions that have given birth to your desire.

This is one of the first things that you must understand in order to catapult your manifesting skills. In the book Medium7, Canadian researcher and author Donna Smith-Moncrieffe shares insight from her journey to find truth about the nature of existence. Smith-Moncrieffe provides engaging cases studies and uses rigorous scientific methods to determine the existence of an afterlife and the extent to which mediums can accurately predict the future.

She also inspires others to embark on their own personal journeys of discovery to learn more about the purpose of life and become more confident about the final destination.

Offers readers tools for becoming the best possible version of themselves, and provides parents and educators with advice on empowering children to be their best as they face pressures at school, at home, and among peers.

It uncovers a myriad of false premises that are at the heart of every uncomfortable relationship issue, and guides you to a clear understanding of the creative Vortex that has already assembled the relationships that you have desired. Abraham, channeled through Esther Hicks, explains how to understand emotions and follow the life-affirming guidance that they provide, in an audiobook that discusses how to deal with thirty-three specific situations.

Abraham's teachings claim that all things wanted or unwanted are brought to a person through the laws of attraction. Esther and Jerry Hicks lead listeners on a voyage of discovery, explaining how focus and longing can lure the object of desire. This book offers you, the reader, a thoughtful and inspired formula for generating appreciation, happiness, and good feelings—deftly blended into the uplifting story of a plucky, inquisitive girl named Sara; and her teacher, an ethereal owl named Solomon.


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