Note: Surprisingly, I was able to solve my own problem, thus it felt only fair to share both the problem and solution. The file s in the code below download but are corrupted in the process. What am I missing? All help gratefully received. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. From there, everything else is basically the same. Once that option is enabled, the link will be populated. You can simply highly it, then copy and paste it into an email, chat message, or anywhere else. When you generate a download link, it automatically allows the file to be viewed by anyone with the link. You can, however, change this setting using the dropdown menu directly above the link.
The good news is that Google does most of the heavy lifting here, and the default sharing action is fairly private your link is accessible by anyone, but only if they know the link , so you can quickly and efficiently share files. If you need to build a link on a mobile device, the process is equally as simple—though the varying options are more hidden.
This is where the only real difference between Android and iOS happens: on iOS, the link is simply copied to the clipboard, so you can share it. On Android, the share menu will show up, giving you a lot more options. But you should be able to wing it from here—just choose the app you want to share the file in. This is the information button. Scroll down just a bit, until you see the first sub-section after the file info. Easy peasy. From the Drive website, navigate to the file you want to share, then right-click it.
I love that the modern web supports things like this. There are actually a couple of options you can choose: Share or Get Shareable Link. They both basically do the same thing, though the former offers more options. Looking to take advantage of our free resources? Google Docs is a great way to share and collabourate on documents, it has heaps of useful features which make it a winner in our eyes.
Many of our free resources and created using Google Docs because it allows us to create documents that can be easily downloaded and edited — all without trying to work out what software you need to edit them. To get started open the spreadsheet you want to download. Which format should you use? The first two options are compatible with desktop office suites. It depends what you want. Use one of these formats if you want to edit your spreadsheet using either of those programs.
The next two options, PDF and Web page, allow you to export your data into visual formats that any computer can open, which is useful. The downside: neither of these formats were designed with number crunching in mind, meaning you won't be able to really do anything with the data.
The final two options are open standards compatible with a wide range of applications. A Comma-separated values files. The simplicity of these file formats gives them longevity: You will almost certainly be able to open them decades from now. Many applications require you use these formats in order to import data. You will be able to open this file in Microsoft Excel and edit it with that program. Note, however, that changes made to this file will not be applied to the version that is saved in your Google Drive.
After the Google Sheet is exported to the Excel file type, the file in Google Sheets and the downloaded file are two separate things. Learn about pivot tables in Excel to see the different functionality that they use to make it easier to sort and analyze your data.