It was developed by Atari Games in It a truly retro game for the retro gamers out there and is a great game to play if you are looking to start playing some retro games. If you failed, you would have to start all over again from the start. It makes you want to come back for more, it's slightly like the original Dark Souls some would say but that can be said about most arcade games. The graphics for the game were great for with its attention to detail on the different levels to make them look different from the last, it makes you want to progress through Gauntlet Arcade Version.
We have tested PNGGauntlet 3. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans. Screenshots of PNGGauntlet 2. When I first played Gauntlet Legends in the arcade, I didn't like it. The whole concept of your life meter ticking away with the seconds no matter what you do just seemed really cheap to me. Luckily that idea is completely out the window in the DC version.
Legends makes a much better home game than an arcade game. Graphically, it's excellent--super vibrant colors, no slowdown even with four players , huge levels and hard bosses.
Don't think that it's hack and slash all the way through, either, because you've got to build your character up by collecting gold to buy strength and through fighting experience. If you don't build up your character correctly, you could find yourself stuck on a boss character and have to redo previous levels in order to rack up health and experience.
Unlike most arcade games these days, Legends has a huge amount of levels, each with its own challenges and enemies--some of which are the most annoying little bastards I've ever seen. They've packed every conceivable environment into this game as they could. The only problem I have is that it's not always clear when you've missed anything in the levels. Midway has captured the old-school gameplay of Gauntlet in 36 perfectly, and made the necessary changes and improvements to the game to make it a fantastic home game.
If hack-'n'-slash dungeon action with a dash of action RPG gameplay is your thing, this is your game. Go figure: I really didn't enjoy this game very much in arcades because of its slow, methodical pace, but it is exactly that characteristic that makes it a much better home video game.
Gauntlet Legend's slowpaced action is a nice change-up to what I'm used to--it's something you can really relax and play. The best thing about the game college kids pay attention now is that it's four-player capability lends itself perfectly to a few friends lounging around while downing a few beers--I could even think of a few decent drinking games while one guy drinks, the other three protect him. Those bad habits aside, it's worth your time to check this one out.
Although it's an excellent port of the arcade game, it's hard for me to get excited about Legends. Yes multiplayer is fun for a bit--with so many different power-ups and items there are lots of opportunities for teamwork or screwing over your friends, and building up your character's abilities RPG-style is cool.
But ultimately there just isn't enough technique or skill involved, so the game boils down to a pretty straightforward hack-and-slash action game. That'd be fine if it was fast-paced and exciting, but alt the backtracking and getting lost trying to find switches grinds the game to a halt way too often. Rent it with friends if you liked it in the arcade.
Gauntlet Download Torrent To bookmarks. Game Review Gauntlet is a top-down hack and slash dungeon crawl video game, developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Part of the Gauntlet series, it was released on 23 September