Well written and a testimony to God's faithfulness when we commit all things to him. However, for the same reason a recent Air Force chaplain was criticized for quoting former U. Military Chaplain William T.
Cummings, many Christians are reticent to invoke the name of Jesus in a public hospital even in darkest days. God in the ICU, by Dave Walker, is the story of one doctor who found the courage to pray publicly and privately over his patients and saw the miraculous efficacy of prayer. In fact, the story starts with a humble retelling of his first years as an anesthesiologist at a hospital in South Africa.
God re-introduced Himself to Walker in a very personal way. As he began to grow in his faith, Walker felt supernaturally compelled to pray over his patients. It started slowly, one at a time, then intercession became a habit. Not only did he pray quietly in the operating room, but he asked his patients personally if he could pray with and for them.
He approached grieving and terrified family members, asking again if he could pray with and for them. The last two thirds of, God in the ICU, tell a wide variety of individual stories. Walker recounts supernatural, instantaneous healings as a result of prayer. He tells of finding and sharing the comfort of Father God in the midst of long drawn out illness.
He describes how prayer transformed difficult relationships. Perhaps most importantly and most applicable to the reader, Walker tells how, through prayer, his own spirit was quickened to hear, understand and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, even when they seemed contrary to logic.
This book is much more than a good read. Personally, it created a hunger in me to learn to speak to God in such an intimate way. Walker is an excellent writer with unique metaphors and poignant descriptions. It is remarkably entertaining, but simultaneous it reaches the reader on a much deeper level. Finally, God in the ICU is a bulwark against anxiety concerning evangelism and intercession in public places. Walker proves that God is in our darkest hours, in the moments when we need intensive care.
He cannot be banished, and it is only to our good that we acknowledge Him, praise Him and point to Him. God alone brings healing and God alone is our salvation. Let us take courage and follow Dr. Jun 16, John rated it it was amazing. In the first instance I found nothing but disquiet and dissatisfaction. In the latter I experienced a love and comfort that made the experience an exquisite anguish. I loved this book, devouring it in basically three reading sessions and sending a copy to my mother for her to read she was a nurse.
Some of the reasons I liked the book: 1. She was without oxygen for ten minutes and she survived the car injury, but was in a sort of waking coma after that. Walker along with her parents and others prayed, and prayed, and prayed, for her, but God saw fit not to heal her.
She eventually died. Usually I had seen the hand of God in some way when I prayed. Either there would be healing, or an improvement or a manifestation of His presence. But I saw none of those. The very real power of prayer. Some of us are apt to be skeptical about the power of prayer, and Dr. Walker—being the rational doctor that most doctors are—was quite skeptical himself This book is worth reading just to reinforce your trust that God does hear and answer prayers. He starts practicing medicine and feels the nudge of God, but cannot figure out how to move closer to a God who seems so distant and unconcerned about his life his brother and sister-in-law both die unexpectedly.
Sep 28, Miriam Jacob rated it it was amazing. This inspiring book opens our eyes to see God in action and gives our faith wings to soar. We witness first hand what happens when a compassionate doctor and a powerful God join together to serve His hurting people. As Dr. Walker is a striking example of how a praying doctor is used mightily in the hands of a loving God. He is the Great Physician, who cares about us so intensely, that He comes as soon as we call. This deeply inspiring book is a highly resonant medical life story in which the Almighty God intervenes directly in real life situations to help patients face His Will for their lives.
Walker shares his faith with passion to show the everlasting love, eternal goodness and steadfast faithfulness of God. He trusted God wholeheartedly and courageously showed it to a watching world. This book illustrates how God cares deeply for each patient and uses the dedicated and committed physician to minister His love to them. It is the unique and extraordinary story of a Christian anesthesiologist and of the supernatural miracles of heart, mind and body that his patients experienced, as he prayed with them in the ICU.
This is an intriguing story about Dr. Dave Walker and the unique mission he embarked on when he asked God to heal his patients. Miriam Jacob Mar 02, JD' D'Souza rated it really liked it. As the Dr says in his own words, "What was my real purpose in life? Was I put on this earth just to save physical lives and make no permanent change to the quality of the whole person?
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God. Jul 05, Lisa rated it really liked it Shelves: memoir. I stumbled upon this book on Hoopla. The author is a Soth African anesthesiologist.
The book is full of stories of God's amazing work in lives. I think the stories of when he was in UAE were the most interesting. He was bold to pray with everyone. One story of an Egyptian boy who had leukemia and was healed.
Painful to hear the sad story of the Egyptian 8-year-old girl that was hit by a year-old Shiek's son in a large SUV. Very moving book. He shared th I stumbled upon this book on Hoopla. He shared the victorious, miraculous stories and also the hard ones. I really can get over that last part about how his wife suffered with cancer, yet in the midst was so close to God and even was instrumental in planting a church among Sri Lankans in UAE.
I can only hope I could respond like her if I was in pain, disappointment and knowing my time on earth was short. The author read the book and I enjoyed hearing him speak especially because of our friendship with a South African couple. Sep 27, Trish Lynch rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. This amazing Christian man tells of his love for God and God's love for him in such a humble way. I found it very uplifting and finished it with a very positive feeling about everything that happens in our lives, good or bad.
I have suffered many losses during the last few years, a wonderful husband, a beloved friend, a beloved sister in law, my wonderful mother, a sister who has moved to the other side of the world.
I prayed to God about all of them and it took me a long time I loved this book. I prayed to God about all of them and it took me a long time to realize that it was God's Will that they should be taken from my life and it was not for me to question why.
This book made me realize that we all have to face losses at some stage in our lives and that as long as we know that we have a Loving God keeping His hand on our lives, we will survive and come out stronger in the end.
Jul 23, Serah Wangui rated it it was amazing. As you read, you may think, as I did, that God could have acted differently in certain situations. I have learned, however, that we never see the big picture. Our encounter with other people gives us a tiny window into a small moment in their lives. God knows what they have been through, what is yet to come and what thread in the tapestry of their lives is appropriate for that time.
The common denominator is that each patient had an encounter with the living God. That encounter made a difference As you read, you may think, as I did, that God could have acted differently in certain situations. That encounter made a difference in some way. For some it set them thinking; for others it brought strength; others received physical healing and for others it was a welcome home.
All, however, are testimony to a God who is not distant, but who cares and responds to the prayers of His people. May 04, Janis rated it it was amazing. Interesting and inspirational Dr. Walker presents his story in a journey that progresses from his fierce anger with God to his love and dependence on Him—all this encapsulated between the death of his brother and the death of his wife. What a journey! The transformation that occurs in his walk with and understanding of God are bookended by these events and filled between with a myriad of remembered moving and interesting anecdotes of his personal and professional life.
I was eager to read each ep Interesting and inspirational Dr. I was eager to read each episode to the next and found myself quickly at the end of the book before I even wanted to be there.
I highly recommend this book for pure inspiration and insights. Jul 19, David Gamble rated it it was ok Shelves: religion , history-and-culture.
I don't know what my dissatisfaction with this book exactly was about. It wasn't what I thought it would be- experiences of how prayer in the hospital changed relationships and helped people get well though there was some of that. It was more than that and I think that could have really pleased me in the sense that he also wove in his personal life and how his faith changed over time with different trials and how things at his work impacted his worship, but the thing was he interwove a lot of I don't know what my dissatisfaction with this book exactly was about.
It was more than that and I think that could have really pleased me in the sense that he also wove in his personal life and how his faith changed over time with different trials and how things at his work impacted his worship, but the thing was he interwove a lot of things without going to any real depth and substance with them. It came off feeling shallow and at times slightly preachy.
I think what the book needs is more development and depth. Sep 16, Katrina Van Grouw rated it really liked it. I listened to the free audiobook on Hoopla, and really enjoyed it! Walker tells a compelling story of a life raised with the idea of God, then forsaking Him, then truly finding Him again.
Ultimately, the moral of the story is that God always answers our prayers, just maybe not the way we want Him to: But "His ways are better than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. The frequent Scripture references were really nice as well. I would definitely recommend. Mar 29, Julie Cave rated it liked it. This is a memoir by a physician about his family, faith, and years of medical practice in South Africa along with a few years in the Middle East.
It's a very honest account covering his efforts as a doctor that became more important than his wife and kids to acknowledging his wrong and doing life God's way. Once reaching that point his life and work took on a new dimension which becomes clear as he tells of various patients and how God answered prayer. Definitely an inspirational true story thou This is a memoir by a physician about his family, faith, and years of medical practice in South Africa along with a few years in the Middle East.
Definitely an inspirational true story though writing is average. Aversion narrated by author which was good. May 31, Katherine VanderSluis rated it liked it Shelves: inspirational , non-fic. I stumbled upon this on Hoopla and much enjoyed hearing it, read by the author. Although it has an over-arcing story-line, the individual vignettes along the way are powerful in themselves.
The experiences shared are both personal, impacting people dearly beloved to Dr. Walker, and also professional, in which he meets particularly difficult or challenging cases, some highly unique I stumbled upon this on Hoopla and much enjoyed hearing it, read by the author. Walker, and also professional, in which he meets particularly difficult or challenging cases, some highly unique.
I'll reflect on these stories for a long time to come. Jun 28, Ellen Carr rated it it was amazing. Gripping and uplifting This book tells the powerful story of Dave coming to a strong faith in God and then being used by God to bring hope, faith and healing to many people as he worked as an anaesthetist in ICU departments in hospitals. He prayed with many patients and sometimes saw supernatural healings.
He tells of the ups and downs of his life and work in a very moving and authentic way. I recommend this book and be! May 24, Jara rated it it was ok. I "read" the audiobook, but couldn't get through it because I don't like reader's accent. This rating is based on the content of what I did hear.
The author takes too long to get to the point. For example, instead of just writing, "I was nervous when I answered the phone. It reads like a medical and pol I "read" the audiobook, but couldn't get through it because I don't like reader's accent. It reads like a medical and police report with too many sensory details for me. Sep 05, Airihi Day rated it liked it. Enjoyed mostly, really appreciated what he was saying about God and his journey and struggles but lost 2 stars for comments like describing a Chinese child as "slant faced" and saying the Chinese of nowadays are nothing like the inscrutable Chinese of his youth and a few other things a long these lines, growing up in apartheid South Africa doesn't excuse it being thrown out so casually.
Casual racism is still racism, still debating on changing to 2 stars instead. My first piece was an article that I wrote for Boys' Own Magazine, a Canadian publication with a readership of over a million. I was sixteen and had just climbed Kilimanjaro. I wrote about that and won first prize in the magazine's competition.
Then I went dormant for over forty years while I concentrated on becoming a doctor and then practicing as one. What is your writing process? For my book, God in the ICU it was easy. There were incidents from working in the Intensive Care Unit that lived with me throughout my career.
These were cases where God had come through in amazing ways in response to prayer. I used an autobiographical approach to have a time line on which to hang these stories. For my novel, I had a basic idea of where the story was going and the story just grew organically from there as I wrote.
It was exciting to see the story take on a life of its own as I work on it, Some days I'd come out of my office and say to my wife, "You'll never guess what happened to Jason the main character today! It is huge fun. That is when I decided God was prompting me to write another non-fiction book and Prayer, Medicine and Miracles was born. It was a little more difficult to write than God in the ICU.
I wanted to show that God's miracles are not always spectacular, though they are no less supernatural. Sometimes He uses us to perform His miracles.
I have examples where I had to use all my expertise, but when I combined that with prayer, God gave me divine guidance and worked far above and beyond what medicine alone could accomplish. Judging by the feedback I've received, I think I have accomplished that. Where to find Dave Walker online. Where to buy in print. Words: 99, Language: English. Published: October 29,