Uploaded by archivologist on July 23, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip.
Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. The arrangement is very clean, sounds great and doesn't distract the player - real background music. Also can be used in a movie, flash project or commercial as it has this vintage 8bit style. Internet flash arcade video game music.
Funny 8 bit chip retro music for arcade, flash game or any project for children. It has a lovely and playful melody, jumpy sounds and groovy rhythm with electronic sounds of synthesizer. Groovy tune in 8bit style made with modern synthesizers. Very positive, funny. Could fit and arcade video game or project for children.
It's a full track that can be looped smoothly. Also could fit a video game, flash application, video for children, comedy. Uplifting, happy and positive. Very positive retro track with a happy, fun 8bit chip mood.
It's uplifting, groovy and funny. Could be used as a background music for a video game or soundtrack for a comedy or flash animation..
Retro, 8 bit vintage chip tune track in a Mario old school style. Funny, uplifting, arcade like. Fits flash video game, application for children, video or website that needs positive, happy mood. Fun, groovy retro tune in 8bit chip style with modern sound.
Its positive, funny, childish. Could fit and arcade flash video game or any project for children. Switch to German. Cart 0 Items. Waveform will be available soon! Login to Create a Playlist. Silly Creature Play Stop. PRO :. Sergei Stern. Fun Level Underscore Version Rock And Roll Hello Underscore Version Rock And Roll Underscore Version Smoky Underscore Version Crazzy Interface Sounds. Nature Sounds. Domestic Sounds.
Urban Sounds. Industrial Sounds. Futuristic Sounds. Human Sounds. Hip Hop. World Beat. Percussion Sounds. Sample Loop. All 2 - 8 Credits 12 - 30 Credits 36 - 60 Credits Credits. Arcade Game by: domahidimusic. Arcade Fun Funk by: sneshok. Sport Football Video Game Loop by: plastic3music. Strategy Game Music Loop by: robotsound. Strategy Game Music by: robotsound.
Video Game Loop 60s by: plastic3music. Puzzle Video Game Loop by: robotsound.