However to the people who want it stopped, it is going to be nearly impossible to stop this completely. And in the case of the boyfriend in jail, it is not completely fair to have him in there because if he is arrested, then all the other people who download illegal software should be arrested and put in jail.
Each developed country would have to arrest its own governments!!! There would be no one left innocent. If u get caught your a loser i guess i think its bs, me and about 15 of my mates have been downloading music for 10 years about 50 to mp3s a day. Hi I just got a letter from my internet provider that I have illegaly downloaded music movies etc files. I only download music from limewire and itunes and I downloaded some movies from vuze and I payed for the program so why would I get introuble? I agree with Dave, it is true and a violation of privacy.
Just checking that deleting downloads wont stop you getting prosecuted. Shannon, really? Then how do you suggest that artists, musicians, producers, etc ever get paid? If you must download illegally, consider being part of a newsgroup. Can I get into legal trouble for cracking my boyfriends password to his email.
I mean it was his birthday. Thank you :. I think I may have. Could still get in trouble. Probably not liable. Most spyware is installed by the file-sharing program itself, like KaZaA! Personally I wish we could end music piracy because that would mean more money for artists, and more and better music all around as a result, but I also believe that software code including code for p2p programs that enable music piracy is protected by the First Amendment.
Your email address will not be published. February 15, at pm. Dave Taylor says:. February 16, at am. Me Too says:. Forums FAQ Download. FileBot v4. Posted by on. Getting Started FileBot makes renaming and organizing media files a breeze. Drag movie or episode files into the Original Files list area Right-click New Names list area and select your preferred datasource Hit Rename Fetching subtitles is just as easy, just drop it in. Browse or drag an image.
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Like Liked by 1 person. Mike, thank you very much! Like Like. So thanks for pointing towards using FOR along with curl command. Here is a tip, which is not documented for Curl, but it works! That will just the current file name and store it as it is. That is, if you want to keep the file name as original. The command then becomes:. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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